Interviews and
featured programmes
China continues attack
on Hong Kong unionists

In 2020 Beijing forced Hong Kong’s government to adopt an anti-union National Security Law which has resulted in the arrest of 292 activists and the collapse of the legitimate labour federation in the territory, the Hong Confederation of Trade Unions. An interview with the Executive Director of the Hong Kong Labour Rights Monitor, Christopher Siu-tat Mung.
Duration: 8'24"
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Public banks that
are really pro-public

Public banks are banks owned by public institutions such as government agencies. But not all are pro-public banks that finance vital public services or entreprises. Thomas Marois, the Director of the Public Banking Project at McMaster University in Hamilton, Canada, explains why labour organizations should support and lobby for pro-public banks.
Duration: 13'35"
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Plastic, plastic, everywhere

The International Negotiating Committee on Plastic Pollution is creating a global treaty on plastics. Comments by Daria Cibrario, policy officer for Public Services International.
Duration: 15'55"
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Labour announces a global
campaign For Democracy

The International Trade Union Confederation has launched a world-wide 'For Democracy' campaign. ITUC General-Secretary Luc Triangle describes the campaign and why it is needed.
Duration: 9'48"
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2024: Year of the facist?

The rise of fascism in the United States and other countries needs to be confronted by unions and other progressive organizations. A special RadioLabour programme about the difference between authoritarianism and fascism.
Duration: 15'00"
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Labour at UN's COP28:
Fighting for a just transition

The United Nations climate change conference COP 28 is taking place in the United Arab Emirates from November 30 to December 12, 2023. An interview with Jeremy Anderson, Director of Just Transition and Sustainable Transport for the International Transport Workers’ Federation.
Duration: 12'51"
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ITUC General Secretary
Luc Triangle calls for
ceasefire in Gaza

The International Trade Union Confederation has called for a ceasefire in Gaza with a return of the hostages and a two-state solution. ITUC General-Secretary Luc Triangle re-emphasizes the ITUC's long-standing call for peace in the world.
Duration: 9'13"
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Artificial Intelligence
can cause fake Education

A new report by the global union Education International shows that AI can degrade the quality of education, worsen working conditions for teachers and provide inferior schooling for students.
Duration: 10'07"
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Ukrainian unions
support the war, but . . .

Unions in Ukraine wholeheartedly support the war against Russia. But the Ukranian government is trying to weaken labour legisation. An onsite report by the editor of LabourStart, Eric Lee.
Duration: 6'18"
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How the first Starbucks
was unionized in the US

Michelle Eisen was one of the workers who unionized the first Starbucks in the United States.
Duration: 9'41"
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Fighting for respect
for LGBTI workers

The IUF global union 2023 Congress heard a report from the LGBTI Workers and Allies Committee. Comments by committee Chair Michelle Kessler.
Duration: 5'51"
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Working for womens' rights
in the Asia Pacific region

An interview with Andi Cipta Asmawaty of the Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development.
Duration: 5'00"
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International labour
supports Ukrainian workers

An interview with Vasyl Andreyev, the chair of the Ukrainian construction union (Profbud) - an affiliate of the Building and Wood Workers International global union (BWI).
Duration: 5'00"
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Artificial intelligence:
How workers can share control

Developments in machine learning and computer algorithms may be about to radically change many workplaces. Governments and employers need to share control with workers. Comments by the Assistant General Secretary of Public Services International, Daniel Bertossa.
Duration: 7'43"
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Labour's Nobel prize awarded to International Domestic Workers' Federation

The 2023 Arthur Svensson International Prize for Trade Union Rights has been awarded to the International Domestic Workers' Federation and its General Secretary Elizabeth Tang. The prize is known as the Nobel prize of the international labour movement.
Duration: 5'28"
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Beijing's attack on
Hong Kong unions

In 2020 Beijing forced Hong Kong’s government to adopt an anti-union National Security Law which has resulted in the arrest of unionists and the collapse of the legitimate labour federation in the territory, the Hong Confederation of Trade Unions. An interview with the Executive Director of the Hong Kong Labour Rights Monitor, Christopher Siu-tat Mung.
Duration: 7'42"
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How labour can confront
automation in the workplace

A report by AlgorithmWatch, commissioned by the ITUC, provides practical advice for unionists dealing with automation. An interview with AlgorithmWatch's Senior Policy and Advocacy Manager, Anne Mollen.
Duration: 12'38"
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Educators and the
earthquake in Turkey

On February 6, 2023, an earthquake in Turkey killed 50,000 people and injured many more. Education International sent a delegation to the country to discover what it could do to help. The delegation included Johanna Jaara Åstrand, EI's Vice-president for Europe, Maike Finnern, the president of the German Education Union and the General Secretary of EI, David Edwards.
Duration: 4'45"
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American teachers
helping children in Ukraine

More than 400 children have been killed by the war in Ukraine, hundreds have been wounded and thousands traumatized. Members of the American Federation of Teachers are helping by purchasing generators for the schools and organizing mental health programmes for the children. An interview with the president of the Cleveland Teachers Union, Shari Obrenski.
Duration: 8'59"
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Should unions call for
a four-day work week?

The four-day work week is being promoted as a solution to over-work, unemployment and work-life balance. Is the four-day work week the answer? Comments by the General-Secretary of UNI Global Union, Christy Hoffman.
Duration: 5'55"
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Transport unions helping
families of seafarers in Ukraine

When Russia attacked Ukraine in February 2022 thousands of Ukrainian seafarers were on their vessels away from their families. The European Transport Workers Federation and the International Transport Workers Federation immediately organized assistance. The assistance continues. An interview with the ITF's Maritime Coordinator, Jacqueline Smith.
Duration: 7'03"
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Severe shortage of
educational workers
in the United States

The United States has a shortage not only of teachers but other educational staff as well. However there are solutions. An interview with the Director of Research for the National Education Association, Stacey Pelika
Duration: 16'36"
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International Accord
extended to protect
garment workers in Pakistan

The global unions UNI and IndustriALL created a successful project to protect garment workers in Bangladesh after the 2013 Rana Plaza disaster. The project, called the International Accord for Health and Safety in the Garment and Textile Industry, has now been extended to Pakistan. An interview with the Deputy General Secretary of UNI Global Union, Alke Boessiger.
Duration: 5'51"
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Investing in education is best option to ensure peace

The Ethiopian Teachers Association is helping educators who were caught in the war in the northern part of the country. A report by the president of the ETA, Yohannes Benti.
Duration: 4'31"
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Struggling for democracy
and union rights in Turkey

Turkey is continuing its repression of unions. Two labour activists were invited to the UK by Unison to describe what is happening to unionists and workers in the country.
Duration: 8'54"
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Make Amazon Pay!

A coalition of unions and NGOs called Make Amazon Pay organized a day of action to protest Amazon's treatment of its workers.
Duration: 5'20"
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Eliminating violence
against women

November 25 is the International Day to Eliminate Violence Against Women. An interview with Brenda Modise of South Africa's FEDUSA.
Duration: 6'55"
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Global Action on Care

Our care systems need to be revised away from just profit-making. And care workers need decent pay and working conditions. Comments by the Social Care Organizer of Public Services International Huma Haq.
Duration: 5'09"
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Private consultants
degrade public services

The use of private consultants by governments results in poorer public services, job losses and greater expense for taxpayers. The European Public Service Union commissioned a report to show the extent of the problem. The report was presented at a media conference in Brussels by EPSU General Secretary Jan Willem Goudriaan.
Duration: 10'27"
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Women Labour Rights
and Digitalization

The Asia-Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development held a conference on the effects of digitalization on women in Asia. A participant was Kamz Deligente from the Center for Trade Union and Human Rights in the Philipines.
Duration: 5'59"
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Modern slavery rises to 50 million

Modern slavery, which includes forced labour and forced marriage, has increased in the past five years to 50 million world-wide. An interview with the former General Secretary of the ITUC, Sharan Burrow.
Duration: 4'40"
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The world needs
69 million more teachers

The world needs to hire 69 million teachers and provide then decent pay and working conditions. A presentation by the General Secretary of the South African Teachers Union, Mugwena Maluleke.
Duration: 4'25"
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African workers paid
slave level wages

Even many of those who have jobs in Africa are paid slave-level wages. But the African Regional Organization of the International Trade Union Confederation has solutions. A presentation by ITUC-Africa Deputy General Secretary Joel Akhato Odigie.
Duration: 4'28"
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How collective bargaining
is helping workers world-wide

A survey of 125 countries by the International Labour Organization shows how collective bargaining is being used successfully to address the pandemic and other issues such as the gender pay gap. An interview with ILO-ACTRAV Senior Specialist in Workers' Activities, Ariel Castro.
Duration: 7'27"
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Eliminating child labour
in Zimbabwe

The Zimbabwe Teachers' Association has a systematic long-term approach to eliminating child labour in the country. Comments by ZIMTA's Training and Development Officer, Angelina Lunga.
Duration: 9'32"
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How to help the world's
160 million child labourers

At the 5th Global Conference on the Elimination of Child Labour held May 15-20, 2022 in Durban South Africa the global union Education International presented a five-point plan to eliminate child labour. Comments by Dennis Sinyalo the Africa Regional Director of Education International
Duration: 5'34"
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Labour and the war in Ukraine

Labour unions around the world have comdemned Russia's attack on Ukraine and called for an end to the war. A special RadioLabour report.
Duration: 11'19"
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World's largest
womens' trade union

India's Self-Employed Women's Association is the world's largest independent women's labour union with 2.1 million members. In a webinar organized by the British Trades Union Congress and the International Trade Union Confederation SEWA's Union Co-ordinator, Manali Shah, described the union's history, accomplishments and challenges ahead.
Duration: 14'46"
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Climate change and
young women unionists

The global union Education International is campaigning to publicise the linkage between women and climate change. Here is an EI webinar focussed on climate change and young women unionists featuring Jo Grady the General Secretary of the University and College Union in the UK.
Duration: 7'00"
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Maori women fighting discrimination

Maori women have faced discrimination, especially at the workplace, for decades. In a podcast produced by Public Services International three Maori women describe their experiences. The full 34 minute version is on the web page.
Duration: 6'11"
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Protecting the world's
39 million fishers

Fishers around the world are represented by the International Transport Workers Federation. The ITF Fisheries Campaign has lobbied the Irish government about the conditions of fishers. Comments by the ITF's Fisheries Campaign Lead in Ireland, Michael O'Brien,
Duration: 4'50"
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Labour supports Palestinian
human rights groups

The Council of Global Unions has condemned the Israeli government for designating six human rights groups in Palestine as terrorist organizations. An interview with Stephen Cotton, the General-Secretary of the International Transport Workers' Federation and current chair of the Council of Global Unions.
Duration: 6'22"
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Labour unions are
tackling Amazon
around the world

Amazon has 1.3 million employees globally. Labour is trying to help improve their wages and working conditions. An interview with the General Secretary of UNI global union, Christy Hoffman.
Duration: 5'48"
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climate change
in Africa

One of the regions which will be most harshly effected by climate change is Africa with its population of 1.2 billion. Comments by the General-Secretary of ITUC-Africa Kwasi Adu Amankwah.
Duration: 6'17"
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Pandemic has cost women
$800 billion in lost income

The pandemic has cost women the equvalent of the GDP of 98 countries. Comments by the Director of the International Department of the AFL-CIO in the United States, Cathy Feingold.
Duration: 5'37"
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How to fight the
war on labour rights

There is a war on labour rights all over the world. The global union industriALL has a four-year action plan to confront the situation. An interview with IndustriALL General Secretary Atle Høie.
Duration: 6'29"
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New health and safety accord
for Bangladeshi workers

A new health and safety accord for Bangladeshi garment and textile workers has been negotiated by the global unions IndustriALL and UNI. An interview with the Director of IndustriALL's garment and textile department, Christina Hajagos-Clausen.
Duration: 5'43"
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Five steps to a caring society

Public Services International is part of a group fighting for a five-step programme - the 5Rs - to recognise the social and economic value of care work. An interview with PSI General Secretary Rosa Pavanelli.
Duration: 7'56"
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Labour lobbies for release
of Julian Assange

Efforts to stop the extradition of Julian Assange to the US intensified after news that the CIA planned to kidnap him. An interview with Tim Dawson who attended Assange extradiction hearings on behalf of the International Federation of Journalists
Duration: 4'46"
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Digitalization and labour unions

How labour unions are, and can, use collective bargaining to confront the digitalization of workplaces and public services. Comments by the Assistant General Secretary of Public Services International, Daniel Bertossa.
Duration: 7'31"
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Labour's plans for
a future of decent work

The global labour movement has a plan for decent work, building equality, reducing informal work, confronting climate change and more. Comments by the former General-Secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation, Sharan Burrow.
Duration: 4'41"
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Unions fight for
justice in Colombia

Unions in Colombia are fighting for justice for working people / An interview with one of the country's top labour leaders by the Solidarity Centre's Shawna Bader-Blau.
Duration: 4'52"
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Support for Myanmar unions

Support for unions in Myanmar after the February 2021 coup is growing. Comments by the International Director of the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, Mikyung Ryu.
Duration: 4'43"
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Child labour
increases world-wide

The elimination of child labour has stalled. There are now more than 160 million child labourers in the world. Comments by the African Director of Education International Dennis Sinyolo.
Duration: 4'42"
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Labour tells ILO its priorities

The annual conference of the UN’s International Labour Organization opened in a virtual setting on June 7, 2021. Catelene Passchier, the chairperson of the Workers’ Group at the ILO, outlined labour’s priorities.
Duration: 5'14"
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Millions losing jobs
in food supply systems

The pandemic is putting the jobs of millions of workers in the world's food supply systems at risk. Comments by the General Secretary of the IUF global union Sue Longley.
Duration: 5'28"
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Stop the abuses in
Myanmar, Belarus
and the Philippines

The General Secretary of the Building and Wood Workers International global union, Ambet Yuson, told the ILO conference the world must protect democracy and labour rights.
Duration: 5'06"
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Secretive corporate courts
in free trade deals

Free trade deals often include Investor State Dispute Systems (ISDS) that establish secretive courts to rule on corporate objections to government polices. The UK and Australia are negotiating a trade deal which may include an ISDS. An interview with the Head of International Relations of Unison, Nick Crook.
Duration: 8'38"
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A curriculum for
the 21st century:
Reading, Writing
and Climate Change

Students need the tools and capabilities to discuss climate change. That is why Education International has launched a campaign called 'Teach for the Planet'. Comments by EI President Susan Hopgood.
Duration: 9'41"
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Bringing back
public services
from privatization

More governments such as municipalities are taking back previously privatized public services. Comments by the Local and Regional Government Officer of Public Services International, Daria Cibrario.
Duration: 12'40"
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The effect of
the pandemic
on women

Women have been hit disproportionately harder by the pandemic. Christina McAnea, the General Secretary of Unison in the UK, outlines the solutions.
Duration: 6'46"
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The abuse of long-term
and elder care workers

UNI Global Union has conducted a major survey of long-term care, nursing home and elder care workers. It shows that many of the workers don't have the equipment they need while working in precarious jobs. Adrian Durtschi, the head of UNI's Care Division says the solutions include public-funding and unionizing the workers.
Duration: 9'38"
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Uber drivers are
Uber workers
says UK court

The Supreme Court in the UK has ruled that Uber drivers are not independent contractors. They are workers employed by the company so deserve to be compensated as such. An interview with the Legal Director of the International Transport Workers Federation, Ruwan Subasinghe.
Duration: 5'48"
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Massive job losses
in Australian coal industries

Thousands of workers in the Australian coal sector may start losing their jobs in five years. The global union IndustriALL has produced a report on the transition from fossil fuels. Comments by the National Research Director for the CFMEU union in Australia, Peter Colley.
Duration: 7'02"
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Workers need more
than just virtual training

Online education can be effective but there is also a need for hands-on training. A presentation about the need for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) by Education International research coordinator, Martin Henry.
Duration: 7'33"
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How Africa and the diaspora
are confronting the pandemic

ITUC-Africa and the Global African Worker Institute have produced a series of webinars about how unionists are confronting the COVID-19 pandemic. Comments by ITUC-Africa General-Secretary, Kwasi Adu-Amankwah and the president of America's Coalition of Black Trade Unionists, Terry Melvin.
Duration: 5'43"
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How social dialogue
has helped countries
during the pandemic

Trade unions have been working with the other social partners - businesses and governments - to help workers during the pandemic. An interview with the Director of the ILO's Workers' Activities Bureau (ACTRAV) Maria Helena André.
Duration: 16'45"
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Fighting for trade union rights
at Cargill starch plant in Turkey

January 11, 2021 was the 1,000 day anniversary of the firing of 14 workers at the Cargill starch plant in Turkey. An interview with IUF policy officer Burcu Ayan.
Duration: 7'08"
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Cargill refused plant shutdown

Despite being warned that COVID-19 had entered the Cargill meat processing plant in Alberta Canada management ignored the call by the United Food and Commercial Workers' Union for a plant shutdown. Hundreds were infected and two workers died. An interview with UFCW communications officer Michael Hughes..
Duration: 5'28"
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Union organising against
the rise of the far right

The British Trades Union Congress has released a report on how unions can respond to the rise of the far right. A presentation by TUC General-Secretary Frances O'Grady.
Duration: 10'36"
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Workers in Palestine
hoping for decent work

Palestinian workers are hoping for a better future. A UNISON webinar presentation by
Assaf Adiv of the Workers’ Advice Centre (WAC-MAAN) in Israel.
Duration: 5'05"
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Equity and skills development
for workers and labour unions

As the pandemic changes the world of work drastically questions are being raised about equity of access and other issues. A presentation by Education International research coordinator, Martin Henry.
Duration: 5'05"
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Fighting to re-instate
fired labour leaders in Guinea

The Marriot Sheraton Grand hotel in Conakry, Guinea, fired a workers for accidently breaking a pot of flowers. When union leaders Amadou Diallo and Alhassane Diallo tried to help they too were fired. Interviews with Alhassane Diallo and Massimo Frattini of the IUF Global Union.
Duration: 5'10"
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The European fight
for water and sanitation
as human rights

Led by the European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU) labour organizations in Europe have won a major victory in their campaign to have water and sanitation recognized as human rights. An interview with EPSU spokesperson Pablo Sanchez.
Duration: 8'03"
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Stopping violence
against transport women

Women who work in the transport sector are often the victims of workplace violence. An interview with the Women Transport Workers and Gender Equality Officer for the International Transport Workers Federation, Jodi Evans.
Duration: 7'01"
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What COSATU wants
from a Biden administration

The Congress of South African Trade Unions has called on the Biden administration to increase support for multilateralism, help build African economic development, and support Palestine. An interview with COSATU International Secretary Sonia Mabunda-Kaziboni.
Duration: 4'37"
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Caribbean teachers
confront the pandemic

The pandemic has changed how teachers do their jobs. A report about women teachers in the Caribbean from an online conference moderated by Nadine Malloy (pictured), a former president of the Jamaica Teachers' Federation.
Duration: 5'02"
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Labour confronts
both the pandemic
and the climate crisis

While the world faces challenges from the pandemic the climate crisis still has to be addressed and a just transition to decent jobs assured. Comments by the Deputy General Secretary of the British Trades Union Congress, Paul Nowak.
Duration: 4'47"
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Ban nuclear arms now!

The world has enough nuclear material to produce 40,000 bombs. The labour movement is calling for a ban on nuclear arms. Comments by the President of the International Trade Union Confederation, Ayuba Wabba.
Duration: 4'44"
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Unions are protecting
African teachers and students

The pandemic has hit African teachers and students hard. Unions are working to protect them. Comments by Education International's Chief Regional Coordinator for Africa, Dennis Sinyolo.
Duration: 4'41"
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Make Amazon Pay

Amazon is taking advantage of the pandemic to dramatically increase its profits while worsening the working conditions of its employees. Comments by UNI General-Secretary Christy Hoffman.
Duration: 8'49"
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20,000 to lose jobs
in Australian
higher education

In a webinar organized by Education International Matthew McGowan, the General Secretary of the National Tertiary Education Union in Australia – the NTEU - predicts huge job losses amongst employees of higher education due to the pandemic.
Duration: 4'43"
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Labour calls for
a new social contract

On World Day for Decent Work, 2020, labour called for a new social contract. Comments by former ITUC General Secretary Sharan Burrow and the General Secretary of ITUC Africa, Kofi Adu-Amankwah.
Duration: 4'40"
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UK labour fights racism
in Britain and the US

At its national conference held virtually September 14-15, 2020, the British Trades Union Congress supported the fight to end systemic racism plus provide decent work and reparations.
Duration: 6'55"
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COVID-19 should
be declared an
occupational disease

The global unions are calling on governments to declare COVID-19 an occupational disease. An interview with the IUF's Regional Secretary for the Asia Pacific Region, Hidayat Greenfield.
Duration: 6'55"
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200,000 seafarers
stuck on ships

200,000 seafarers are trapped on ships because of the COVID-19 lockdown. The International Transport Workers' Federation is trying to help. An interview with the ITF's Inspectorate Coordinator Steve Trowsdale.
Duration: 7'22"
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ILO's ACTRAV helping
East African unions

East Africa has been hit by not only the pandemic but also a plague of locusts and the effects of climate change. The ILO's Workers' Activities Bureau (ACTRAV) is providing assistance to unions in the region. Comments by ACTRAV Director Maria Helena André
Duration: 7'22"
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Solidarity a lesson
of the pandemic

Teachers say lessons about inequality and access to appropriate technology mean no return to normal after the pandemic. Education International General-Secretary, David Edwards, says solidarity is needed and increasing.
Duration: 4'39"
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Labour opposes WTO
e-commerce agreement

A proposed WTO e-commerce agreement would restrict the rights of governments to regulate on behalf of their citizens. An interview with Georgios Altintzis a Policy Officer in the ITUC's Economic and Social Policy Department.
Duration: 8'16"
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Canadian union takes on
America's ICE police

The British Columbia Government and Service Employees' Union has used its Shareholder Engagement Programme to object to the relations Thomson Reuters has with America's Immigration and Custom Enforcement (ICE) police. An interview with BCGEU president Stephanie Smith.
Duration: 10'30"
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Outsourcing worker intelligence
with corporate AI and Big Data

Worker intelligence is being outsourced at the workplace by huge corporations using Artificial Intelligence and Big Data. An analysis by Daniel Bertossa of Public Services International and Parminder Jeet Singh (pictured) of IT for Change.
Duration: 11'12"
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US and Latin American
face the pandemic

The American Federation of Teachers organized a webinar to share strategies about how unions can confront the coronavirus. Participants included Fatima da Silva, the General Secretary of CNTE Brazil.
Duration: 9'43"
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COVID-19 is an
occupational disease

The ITUC is calling on governments to declare COVID-19 an occupational disease. A message from former ITUC General Secretary Sharan Burrow.
Duration: 4'42"
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Women transport workers deserve decent pay
and more respect

The world is realizing that transport workers are critical. But the International Transport Workers Federation says don't forget about the women transport workers. A message from the Chair of the ITF Womens' Committee, Diana Holland.
Duration: 5'54"
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A New Solidarity Forever

The original Solidarity Forever was written in 1915.
Here's an audio-visual version of a new millinium Solidarity Forever.
Duration: 3'17"
A Nurse's Lullaby

When it's just a patient
and a night-shift nurse
Duration: 2'57"
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Mentoring young
women unionists
around the world

UNI Global Union has a unique programme to mentor young women unionists as they strive to become labour leaders. An interview with Veronica Fernández Méndez, Head of UNI's Equal Opportunities Department.
Duration: 6'50"
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Lab-grown meat and unions

The food industry has started to market lab-grown meat and other proteins such as fish and dairy. An interview with Elisabeth Abergel who helped produce a study for the IUF global union
Duration: 7'19"
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Gym and fitness employees
want healther jobs

A new survey shows that gym and fitness workers want better working conditions. An interview with Larry Savage.
Duration: 8'30"
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Things get even worse
for Zimbabwe's workers

Conditions for workers in Zimbabwe are growing worse. An interview with the President of the Commercial Workers' Union of Zimbabwe, Barbara Gwangwara-Tanyanyiwa.
Duration: 9'15"
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How Canada saved
the ILO from the Nazis

In 1940 Canada saved the ILO from the Nazis. An interview with McGill University professor Adelle Blackett.
Duration: 9'18"
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Artificial intelligence
replacing teachers

A report prepared for Education International warns that artifical intelligence poses serious concerns for student privacy and the number of teachers. An interview with the report's co-author, Anna Hogan.
Duration: 7'38"
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Why a new
contract is needed

Millions will be worse off if a new social contract between governments, employers and unions is not negotiated. An interview with the Director of Communications for the International Trade Union Confederation, Tim Noonan
Duration: 4'38"
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Google employees protest
in support of temp workers

900 Google employees signed a letter protesting the working conditions of temporary, vender and contract workers employed by the company. An interview with UNI Global Union General-Secretary, Christy Hoffman.
Duration: 6'52"
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Journalism in
the digital age

The International Federation of Journalists held its 30th Congress in Tunis, June 11-14, 2019. An interview with IFJ Deputy General Secretary, Jeremy Dear.
Duration: 5'58"
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Labour leads way
on climate change
in New Zealand

At a climate change conference in New Zealand labour unions called for a Just Transition for workers to sustainable jobs. An interview with the former Secretary of the New Zealand Council of Trade Unions, Sam Huggard.
Duration: 5'48"
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Malawi unions
fighting child labour

The Malawi Congress of Trade Unions has been successfully working against child labour and helping informal workers. An interview with MCTU Secretary General Denis Chalera Kalekeni.
Duration: 9'16"
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How the global transport
union is renewing itself

The International Transport Workers' Federation is renewing itself to better represent its 18 million members. An interview with ITF General Secretary Stephen Cotton.
Duration: 9'17"
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African countries need
quality, public, education

Unions in Africa are fighting for quality, public, edcational systems against for-profit education corporations. An interview with Education International Project Director, Angelo Gavrielatos
Duration: 5'12"
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illicit financial
out of Africa

Labour unions are fighting illicit financial flows which steal billions from African economies. A RadioLabour interview with Caroline Khamati Mugalla, the Executive Secretary of the East Africa Trade Union Confederation
Duration: 7'28"
Gender pay equity by 2030

The Equal Pay Coalition (EPIC) is a group of unions, governments, NGOs and companies which is trying to win gender pay equity by 2030.
Duration: 4'55"
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A solution to
authoritarian populism

A primary solution to crises such as authoritarian populism is to support unionized teachers. An interview with the General Secretary of Education International, David Edwards
Duration: 4'45"
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ILO wage report:
Women still 20% behind men

The ILO has released its 2018-18 Global Wage Report which shows a "Mother Penalty" and a "Father Premium"
Duration: 4'37"
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Garment industry needs
to work with global unions

Problems for workers in the garment producing industries can only be solved by companies working with unions. Jenny Holdcroft, an Assistant General-Secretary of IndustriALL global union, comments.
Duration: 11'21"
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Global action for hotel workers

Hotel workers are fighting for decent work, safety, and protection from sexual harassment. An interview with the IUF's Coordinator of the Hotel, Restuarant and Tourism sectors, Massimo Frattini.
Duration: 6'33"
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Mitsubishi trying to
break union in Thailand

After locking out 1,700 employees at its Electric plant in Thailand Mitsubishi humiliated the workers and refused to re-instate 29 workers.
Duration: 14'04"
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Flilipino domestic workers
deserve decent work

Millions of domestic workers from the Philippines work around the world. They deserve decent wages and working conditions. An interview with Julius Cainglet, vice-president of the Federation of Free Workers of the Philippines.
Duration: 10'52"
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The world needs
qualified teachers

As the world faces ever increasing complex problems it needs more qualified teachers says the General-Secretary of Education International, David Edwards.
Duration: 5'35"
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COSATU's first
says: Unite!
COSATU's first woman president, Zingiswa Losi, calls for worker unity towards socialism.
Duration: 5'54"
Web Page
Migrant workers in Qatar
can now leave employer

In a major blow against the "kafala" system migrant workers in Qatar will be allowed to leave the country without getting permission from their employer.
Duration: 4'37"
Web Page
Empowering black workers
in the United Kingdom

Black Activists Rising Against the Cuts (Barac)is fighting the effects of austerity on people of colour in the UK. A presentation by Zita Holbourne, a VP of the Public and Commercial Services Union and a co-founder of Barac
Duration: 4'43"
Fighting for-profit
schools in Africa

The Ugandan government ordered the for-profit education corporation Bridge International Academies to close its schools in the country. Bridge refused.
Duration: 4'56"
Millions of migrants enslaved

The International Migrants' Alliance is trying to help the world's 230 million migrant workers. A presentation by Alliance chairperson Eni Lestari.
Duration: 9'46"
Fighting sexual harassment
in workplaces and unions

Sexual harassment in workplaces and unions must end. The AFL-CIO's anti-harassment programme for US labour.
Duration: 4'39"
World faces shortage
of qualified teachers

An Education International report shows poor wages and working conditions for teachers and a worldwide shortage of qualified teachers. An interview with EI Research coordinator, Martin Henry.
Duration: 13'15"
Web Page
World's largest cement company
reneges on global agreement

In 2017 LafargeHolcim agreed to sign a global agreement to respect workers' rights. But in 2018 it refused to sign the agreement with IndustriALL and the Building and Woodworkers International.
Duration: 3'15"
Billions being stolen
from Africa

Billions are being stolen from African economies. A RadioLabour interview with Joel Akhator Odigie, the Coordinator of Human and Trade Union Rights of ITUC-Africa.
Duration: 9'07"
How to fight for
human rights in corporations

More needs to be done to ensure respect for human rights in corporations. A RadioLabour report featuring the General-Secretary of UNI global union, Christy Hoffman.
Duration: 4'43"
Stop violence against women

The labour movement is participating in a global campaign to eliminate violence against women.
Duration: 4'29"
Santander fights
in the US but not UK

While the financial giant Santander works well with unions in the UK it is viciously fighting the unionization of its workers in the US.
Duration: 4'36"
Driverless trucks and job loss

The advent of autonomous trucks will result in million of job losses. An interview with Mac Urata of the International Transport Workers Federation.
Duration: 5'00"
Young people in Caribbean
need decent work

The 2017 ILO conference was told that young people in the Caribbean need decent jobs by Dionne Howard, an Industrial Relations Officer with the Barbados Workers' Union.
Duration: 6'22"
Respect for workers' rights
and green jobs
Stephen Cotton, General Secretary of the International Transport Workers Federation, told ILO conference delegates workers need green economies and a just transition.
Duration: 4'30"
COTU-Kenya wants a just transition to greener economies
At the International Labour Organization's conference in Geneva the president of Kenya's Central Organization of Trade Unions, Francis Atwoli, called for a just transition for workers while countries react to climate change.
Duration: 3'55"
Is suicide increasing
amongst seafarers?
The International Transport Workers Federation, the ITF, has been hearing more about suicides amongst seafarers and so it is embarking on a major study to determine the extent of the problem. A report featuring Kimberly Karlshoej the head of the ITF's Seafarers Trust
Duration: 4:10"
International day against
discrimination of LGBT people
How LGBT people are discriminated against in the workplace
Duration: 4'43"
VW turns viciously anti-union
in US southern state
Before it was caught cheating on emissions Volkswagen supported the right of workers at its Chattanooga, US, plant to unionize with the United Autoworkers (UAW). Now it's turned viciously anti-union.
Duration: 5'21"
Organizing community
union chapters
Community chapters are key to union growth. A RadioLabour interview with the Director of Organizing at Canada's UNIFOR union, John Aman.
Duration: 5'00"
Community organizing
key to union growth
Engaging with workers in the community can help unions recruit new members. A RadioLabour report featuring the Secretary of the New Zealand Council of Trade Unions, Sam Huggard.
Duration: 6'13"
Health care is
a basic human right
The global union Public Services International has started a campaign aimed at promoting universal public health coverage for all. A RadioLabour interview with PSI General-Secretary Rosa Pavanelli
Duration: 3'50"
Attacks on union and
democratic rights in Turkey
A hundred thousand teachers, public workers and others have been fired in Turkey. Trade unionists are being attacked as terrorists. A RadioLabour interview with Kemal Özkan, Assistant General Secretary of IndustriALL global union.
Duration: 5'00"
International support for
fired Yemeni oil workers
The Norway-based company DNO has illegally fired 175 Yemeni workers without pay. A RadioLabour interview with Espen Løken, the head of secretariat of Norway's Industri Energi.
Duration: 4'05"
Landmark ruling against
slavery in the Americas
The Inter-American Court on Human Rights has ordered Brazil to compensate 125 workers who were treated as slaves. A RadioLabour report with former ITUC General-Secretary, Sharan Burrow.
Duration: 2'51"
Labour unions and
artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence is quickly entering our workplaces. An interview with Christina Colclough, the former Director of Platform and Agency Workers, Digitalisation and Trade at UNI Global Union.
Duration: 18'48"
Web Page
Chinese companies need to respect worker rights in Africa

While Chinese corporations spend billions in Africa unions are demanding respect for worker rights. An interview with the Regional Representative for Africa and Middle East of the Building and Woodworkers International, Crecentia Mofokeng.
Duration: 8'45"
Web Page
Mozambique not recognizing
country's public sector union

The government of Mozambique is stopping a public sector union from forming. An interview with Tichaona Fambisa, Project Coordinator for Southern Africa, Public Services International.
Duration: 7'10"
How the labour movement
was weakened by the right-wing

The former president of the AFL-CIO in the United States, Richard Trumka, explains how the labour movement was weakened by attacks from the right wing.
Duration: 4'44"
Care economies could
create millions of jobs

Creating care economies would produce millions of jobs for both women and men. A report featuring Anna Lee Tuvera, the ITUC's Gender Specialist for the Asia-Pacific region
Duration: 10'52"
Fighting for women's
rights in Swaziland

The Trade Union Congress of Swaziland is fighting to have the rights of women in Swaziland respected. An interiew with TUCOSWA representative, Girlie Magagula.
Duration: 4'41"
Climate change hits
smaller countries harder

Climate change is having serious effects on small island states. An interview with Toni Moore, the General Secretary of the Barbados Workers' Union.
Duration: 5'36"
Australian unions
fight domestic violence

The Australian labour movement is demanding the government implement domestic violence leave.
Duration: 4'56"
Digital monopolies
threaten democracy

Digital platforms such as Amazon, Google and Facebook are monopolies with too much power. They should be better regulated says UNI General Secretary Philip Jennings.
Duration: 4'45"
Digitalization of work
done on the backs of millions
in global supply chains
A RadioLabour interview with Valter Sanches, the General Secretary of the global union IndustriALL
Duration: 5'04"
Decent work is a UN
Sustainable Development Goal

The UN's 2030 Agenda of Sustainable Development Goals - the SDGs - include Decent Work.
Duration: 9'36"
How a union programme helps workers with mental health issues
The UK's Trades Union Congress has a programme to help workers and employers address mental health issues. A report featuring Beth Farhat, the TUC's Northern Regional Secretary
Duration: 2'11"
Climate change and
the labour movement

Creating sustainable economies could help build a stronger labour movement. An interview with Maité Llanos, the project co-ordinator of the Global Labour University
Duration: 5'00"
Teacher unions crucial
for building democracy
Quality education is essential to fostering healthy citizenship. Interview with Haldis Holst,
Deputy General Secretary, Education International
Duration: 5'00"
All workers have the
right to join a union
The International Declaration of Human Rights declares that all workers have a right to join a union. A RadioLabour special report featuring Eleanor Roosevelt and the ITUC's former General-Secretary, Sharan Burrow
Duration: 5'00"
UN told to investigate murder of Mexican student teachers
In September 2014 43 young student teachers were murdered in Mexico. Six labour organizations have jointly filed a complaint with the UN’s Human Rights Council. A RadioLabour interview with Louis Malfaro, the President of the Texas branch of the American Federation of Teachers.
Duration: 6'06"
Pray for the Dead
A Workers' Musical
Pray for the Dead- A Musical Tale of Morgues, Moguls and Mutiny, is a new play for and about workers and unions by Gene Bruskin
Duration: 2'47"
Corporation undermines education in developing countries
Bridge Interational Academies is a for-profit corporation which undermines public education in developing countries. A RadioLabour interview with Angelo Gavrielatos, the Projects Director of Education International.
Duration: 8'53"
Trade in Services Agreement

A huge trade deal called TiSA is being negotiated by governments and corporations in secret. An interview with Dr. Jane Kelsey author of an IUF report about TiSA.
Duration: 13'22"
Unions at Alternative
World Water Forum

Stopping the corporations from stealing the world's water systems. An interview with PSI Deputy General Secretary David Boys.
Duration: 8'32"
Automation may hit
transportation hardest

The International Transport Workers Federation is not fighting automation. It's fighting poverty-level wages.
Duration: 4'16"
New World Bank rules
for decent work and unions

The World Bank has created a new set of rules for borrowers which promote decent work and labour unions. An interview with the Research Officer of the ITUC/Global Unions Washington Office, Leo Baunach.
Duration: 8'49"
Zimbabwe unions want
improved labour laws

Zimbabwe is militarizing and growing even more anti-union. An interview with Vimbai Zinyama, External Relations Officer for the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions.
Duration: 7'54"
Iraq refusing to
apply new labour law

The Iraqi Ministry of Labour is refusing to implment a Parliament-adopted new labour law. An interview with Korea Goda, a representative of the General Federation of Iraqi Trade Unions.
Duration: 6'40"
Workers in Grenada need
long-term, decent, jobs

Grenada needs more employment opportunities and protection from the effects of climate change. An interview with the President General of the Grenada Technical and Allied Workers Union, Andre Lewis.
Duration: 6'24"
The world deserves
decent public services

Well-funded, quality public services are in jeopardy. An interview with the General Secretary of Public Services International, Rosa Pavanelli.
Duration: 4'50"
Unions bring
unprecedented court action
EU Commission

The EU Commission is refusing to bring forward to the European Council of member states a social dialogue agreement made by the unions and employers. An interview with the General Secretary of the European Public Service Union, Jan Willem Goudriaan.
Duration: 5'34"
Education is more
than just testing

The global union Education International is fighting privatized and test-based education. An interview with EI General Secretary David Edwards.
Duration: 7'01"
Why historic debt levels
are dangerous for workers

Sovereign debt levels around the world have dramatically risen, partly because of corporate lobbying. An interview with Daniel Bertossa, Assistant General Secretary of Public Services International.
Duration: 8'15"
Web Page
Labour's fight for
green economies

Why labour is concerned about climate change and the need for a just transition for workers. An interview with the Director of the Just Transition Centre, Samantha Smith.
Duration: 11'44"
Web Page
Solidarity with
the Palestinian people

Truck drivers in Palestine are being helped by the International Transport Workers Federation and Canada's Unifor union. An interview with ITF Project Co-Ordinator, Majd Samaroo.
Duration: 5'46"
Web Page
Education International's
for ILO Convention 190

Education International, has asked its affiliates to support ILO Convention 190 against Violence and Harassment in the World of Work
Duration: 6'39"
Web Page
Labour condemns US
declaration on Israeli settlements

Labour has denounced a US announcement that it no longer considers Israeli settlements in Palestine to be illegal. An interview with ITUC former General-Secretary Sharan Burrow.
Duration: 3'44"
Web Page
Coca-Cola's global campaign
against workers' rights

Coca-Cola's campaign against workers' rights in Indonesia, Haiti, the US and Ireland. An interview with IUF senior advisor Ron Oswald.
Duration: 8'08"
Web Page
Creating care economies
could create millions of jobs

Developing economies to better take care of people could create millions of jobs, especially for women. An interview with Maria Tsirantonaki, Equality Policy Officer, International Trade Union Confederation.
Duration: 10'57"
Web Page
Ship breaking is
one of the world's
most dangerous industries

When ships reach the end of their life-spans they are re-cycled by ship breakers working in dangerous and poorly paid jobs. An interview with the Director of ICT, Electrical, and Electronics, Shipbuilding and Shipbreaking for IndustriALL global union, Kan Matsusaki.
Duration: 7'06"
Web Page
Unions help crew
on Diamond Princess

How unions helped crew members on a coronavirus-infected ship. An interiew with the assistant secretary of the ITF's seafarer section, Fabrizio Barcellona.
Duration: 7'32"
Web Page
Remunicipalizing contracted-out services

Cities are reacting to the costs of contracted-out public services by remunicipalizing the services. An interview with the policy officer for local and regional government issues for Public Services International, Daria Cibrario.
Duration: 14'35"
Web Page
Seafarers need help

Ship owners are using flags of convenience to avoid their responsibilities. An interview with the ITF's Jacqueline Smith.
Duration: 5'14"
Web Page
270 million migrants
need quality
public services

Millions of migrants deserve decent work and quality public services. A report from the 2020 Global Forum on Migration and Development with the Migration Programme Coordinator of Public Services International, Genevieve Gencianos.
Duration: 7'13"
Web Page
EU's New Green Deal

The EU's New Green Deal to address the climate crisis is a good step forward but much is left to be done. An interview with IndustriAll Europe Policy Advisor, Benjamin Denis.
Duration: 12'01"
Web Page
Hands off unionists
in the Philippines

Global union leaders told the Philppines government to stop harassing and killing trade unionists. A report featuring the PSI, UNI, IUF, IndustriALL and BWI.
Duration: 4'38"
Web Page
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